Organic Production Assistance Program

The organic production consultation services provide dedicated organic technical assistance to Kentucky farmers who are currently using or interested in adopting or expanding organic practices.   

OAK’s Organic Production Specialist is available to respond to production-related inquiries from commercial farmers and market gardeners. The Specialist can meet with farmers one-on-one via phone, virtual meeting and for on-farm consultations. Organic production support is available in the following areas: 

    • Crop planning

    • Cover crops

    • Weed management

    • Pest and disease management

    • Nutrient budgeting

    • Soil testing assistance and interpretation

    • Recommendation on input sourcing

    • High tunnel management

    • Equipment, infrastructure and tool recommendation

    • Integrated crop livestock systems

    • Livestock and grazing management

The Organic Production Specialist will collaboratively develop plans, help track progress and provide necessary follow-ups and referrals to help a farm reach desired production goals. Farmers can expect to receive useful referrals to other resources and agricultural assistance partners to further support production success. Participants will also be connected with relevant OAK educational programs and farmer events. This service is for commercial farms and market gardens that are or are planning to sell their products. It is accessible to experienced or beginning farmers across certified organic and conventional crop and livestock operations. An OAK Membership is not required.


Request an Organic Production Consultation


The Organic Production Assistance Program aims to:

  • Reduce barriers to adoption of organic farming practices

  • Improve farm efficiencies, production capacity, product quality, and farm resilience

  • Improve profitability by helping farmers start earning organic premiums with greater efficiency

  • Support farmer needs and the success of the growing organic industry in Kentucky

To request an organic production consultation, fill out this form.


Just have a quick question? Send contact Sarah Geurkink at [email protected] or call 502.517.8908.


View OAK's Production Resources


This program is supported by the Kentucky Agricultural Development Fund (KADF).

Kentucky Agricultural Development Fund